Thursday, December 3, 2015

Set to Learn

Well, it been more than a year since my last post, but all for good reason.  My three has turned to four.... YES, four time demanding little angels (on most days).  We have moved from our sunny side home in Florida back to my home state of Georgia.  I never thought that would happen.  I can say that I am glad it did.  You know when something just feels right you know it's meant to be.  Everything is moving along seamlessly.  I am homeschooling my two older children and trying to keep sane for the younger two.  This post will focus on our December homeschool plans.

As we end the first week of December lessons we are feeling more unified with a schedule.  We have a full dedicated room for homeschool, which many of you know is so very important.  In Language Arts we are breaking down the 8 parts of speech.  I am hoping that this structure will show improvement in their writing prompts.  We will see what happens in 8 weeks when we really put all this new knowledge to the test.  We finished reading "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens today.  I loved all their questions of word meanings, such as sidled, solitary, yonder, and so on.... words we just don't use in our everyday speak.  My eldest remarked how it reminded him of "A Mickey Christmas Carol" ;) Our writing prompt this week is on candy canes.  They watched a "How It's Made" video and then answered the five senses questions to begin their brainstorming.  Again, along with the parts of speech, I am hoping that imbedding the writing process into them will improve their writing skills.  Did I mention they are in 3rd and 1st grade?  Yes, I am raising up smarty parties (as my daughters kindergarten teacher refers to her).

For math, we use Khan Academy.  I love this free, non-profit, online program.  I am able to see where they need help and let them work at their own pace.  They love accumulating points and seeing which new avatar they have unlocked.  We have also completed a music lesson on this site.

Science I am using a workbook called Daily Warm-Ups by Teacher Created Resources.  Right now it is review from our curriculum earlier this year.  Although it is review it is still challenging.  I have them in the workbooks for their grade level.  I do work out of order, so that they are covering the same topic at the same time.

Our History curriculum is my favorite... THE BIBLE.  Yes, its our history, so why not start there.  We just completed part of Exodus, so tomorrow they will watch "The Prince of Egypt".  We use "The Bible Experience",  as our read along.  The actors voices and the background effects really bring to life the stories.

Finally, we are working on learning Dutch.  Currently we are using DuoLingo.  I like that I can monitor their progress and they can work independently.  We can also work as a class.  I create flashcards for all our new words.  I think I will have them work each group of lessons for 2 weeks.  For example, Basic 1 has five lessons, so we will do Basic 1 for two weeks.

Thanks for spending a little time with us today.  If you have any questions about how we homeschool or anything else make a comment below.  ><>

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Press to Film

Today I decided to venture out on this tax free weekend to Barnes and Noble.  I had recently won a $100 gift card and just had to spend it today.  ALL three of my kids came with me.  The youngest whom is soon to be 1 year old was all packed in his stroller and the other two were on foot.  We found our way to the kids section in the very back of Barnes and Noble.  My mission was to find a book for my youngest first birthday.  The theme by chance is trains.  The clerk working the kids section suggested "The Little Engine That Could".  I never even thought of that book, but how appropriate is it for a first birthday.  I plan to have the guests at his party to sign the book with a warm wish or prayer.  I love that it is a classic and that I can read it to him for years to come.  But all that has nothing to do with my title "Press to Film"... For myself I purchase "The Giver".  This book will be coming to theaters on August 15th.  I  have always wanted to read a book and then see the movie.  This gives me two weeks to read this book.  I figured that being a mom of three with two going back to school in a couple of weeks why not do it now.  Going to see the movie might be my celebration of the end of summer break.  :D  The book seems to be a good read from the few pages I perused in the middle of B&N.  It's about a community where everything is the same for everyone and no one questions it except one person who finds himself in love with someone other than whom they've predetermined him to marry.  It seems to be a thrilling love story.  I will let you know how quickly or slowly I read the book and my opinion on the read.  For now the youngest has awoken from his nap and my fairy tale moment must end.  Until next time... TTFN